When I was in middle school computers were still this unknown territory. There were not very many things you could do, so we were mostly taught how to type. We spent the better part of the class learning how to type on a paper keyboard, but if we were good the last fifteen minutes were designated for Oregon Trail.
Let me tell you this was the highlight of everyone’s day. Scores would be talked about during lunch and after school. There were whispers in the hallway about the mythical winner. You see with fifteen minutes to play the game no one ever had a chance to beat it. It was always impossible. But there was one name on the scoreboard with a perfect score, later come to find out it was our teacher. Everyone wanted to be on that list. We all wanted to beat the game and make it to Oregon without losing any of our children or show up with a wagon that was missing a wheel.
The last day of middle school my class was given the entire class period to play the game. A few of us made it out, I was one of the lucky ones. I held my head up high that day.
Even after fifteen years the game is fresh in my mind. I wanted to check the app store to see if it was there, and it was. For .99¢ you can purchase the game for your phone and start playing. It’s just as I remembered it. You need to set up your family by assigning them names and deciding whether you want boys or girls. Then you can decide whether you want to be a banker, farmer or carpenter. All these decisions believe it or not will decide your fate on the trail. While on your way you encounter giant eagles that come and take your children, fishing for fish bigger than you, and picking berries to feed your family. The trail master has arms thicker than your thighs and the scenery is a little monotonous but all in all it’s a great time. There are various badges you can win, so even after a few trips to Oregon you always want to play again just to see if you can win all the badges.
This iPhone app is one that I highly recommend for the Y generation and beyond.