Kohl’s is opening at THREE IN THE MORNING on Black Friday. Old Navy is having online sales starting at midnight. Blogs have begun rolling out lists of deals for the last few days. #blackfriday has been a trending topic on Twitter all week. The Internet is playing a very important role in the discussion and execution of the day-after-Thanksgiving shopping.
It makes me wonder whether the shopping bonanza is bigger than ever this year (despite recession) or if I am being made hyper-aware of it due to the Internet. Did any of you get up before dawn for the best deals? I just can’t imagine… remember the stampedes last year? Didn’t people get hurt?
As for me? I’ll be watching the Iron Bowl (Roll Tide!) and waiting until Black Friday’s little sister, Cyber Monday is ready to play. I just hope they don’t catch me shopping at work! Oops…
It’s always Cyber Monday at StanaCard. Check out our super low rates!Happy shopping and have a great weekend!