While visiting Ghana, there are three definites: the Tro-Tro, fan ices, and keeping in touch with friends and family.
Tro-Tros are minibuses that have been repurposed from Asia, and they serve as the major form of transportation in the bigger cities in Ghana.
Fan ice is like the New York City equivalent of Italian ice in the summer – a cheap, delicious treat that is peddled on the streets in small white carts. It comes in the typical ice cream flavors: chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry.
After experiencing these two phenomena, keeping in touch with your friends and family will spring to the number one priority on the to-do list. With StanaCard’s services friends and family can do it for a mere 19.99¢ per minute! With other companies you would be paying 60% more per minute.
If you get your loved ones to sign up for an account on the other end, you both get credit for calls or cash! Everyone wins!