If you are in Washington, DC, then all of the memorials are probably a good place to start. There are events going on at each of them. Click here to see a detailed list!
If you are in New York City, there will be a parade today. (There is a parade for everything here!) Click here for more information. There are also parades going on today in Boston and Colorado Springs.
Salt Lake City has a list of activities for the day right here.
There are a handful of ceremonies going on in the Tampa Bay area, as well. Click here to check them out!
The other Bay Area (San Francisco) has a list of events to attend here.
If you are in Kansas City, here is a link to your events.
Are you from The Ozarks? Missouri has a lot of activities going on today, too. Click here to check them out.
While no other countries are celebrating this specific holiday, some have their own:
- In South Korea, they are celebrating Peppero Day – the day of eating chocolate!
- In France, they are celebrating Armistice Day, which is similar to Veterans Day; it celebrates the end of the war.
- There is a Remembrance Day in both Bermuda and Canada.
- Angola and Poland are both celebrating Independence Day.
- Japan is celebrating Origami Day.
Are there any other holidays that we missed? Do you have any activities going on in your city right now? Let us know in the comments!
From all of us at StanaCard: we salute the troops. Have a great Veterans Day!