Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rate Decrease to Ukraine!

With over 55 million cellular phone lines in use and 13 million landlines, there are a lot of people in Ukraine to call.   Now, you certainly don’t know all of them, but our guess is a good few are your family or friends.

StanaCard’s new rate is 8.9 cents per minute!  That’s a 27% decrease! Whether you want to call your grandmother to get her borsch recipe or your aunt to see how to make a babka cake, you can really easily, and for even less money than before!

Now a $5 credit will let you talk up to 55 minutes! That’s almost 40% cheaper than Skype and -- unlike Skype and most calling cards -- we charge absolutely no connection fees.  You pay only for what you use.

Travelling abroad soon?  See how to avoid all roaming charges no matter what country you are going to.

Happy Calling,
The StanaCard Team