Though the floods in Pakistan began all the way back in July, the affects are still being felt by many today. The flood cost the country an estimated $43 billion (USD) in damages, including wheat and crop damages of around $500 million. Daniel Toole, UNICEF’s Regional Director for South Asia, spoke today, urging people to continue to raise awareness and funds for the severely damaged country, as the rebuilding process is nowhere near over.
Tooled stated, “This crisis is far from over. It has just evolved in very different ways from one part of Pakistan to the next and the humanitarian effort has had to adapt swiftly to reach children and women most in need as their needs change. Although most people have returned to their home areas, many have returned to near total destruction -- with no homes, no crops, no food and no cash. In the north, snow has fallen and we are delivering winter clothes and supplies to help families prepare for a harsh winter, while in the south very slow receding waters have meant over a million lives are still on hold. The coming cold months will sharply increase the numbers of respiratory infections and malnutrition, two of the biggest killers of Pakistani children." Source.
While there are many efforts to revive the country, not nearly enough is being done, and UNICEF needs $82 million just to successfully continue its recovery programs. With winter quickly approaching and many children still homeless or suffering from acute respiratory infections, UNICEF is becoming desperate. Polio cases are also on the rise in Pakistani children, from 89 in 2009 to 126 and counting this year. In preparation for winter, UNICEF has begun giving out children’s’ clothes and blankets, but many families still need food, water, and medical supplies to survive the cold winter coming up.
If you would like to help the cause with a donation of any size, please go to UNICEF’s donation center HERE. Any Pakistani expats who have family and/or friends back in their home country, please know that we at Stanacard are running a great special with rates to Pakistan at an all-time low of 4.99 cents a minute.
By @StanaMark