As the reporters explain, calling cards can tend to appear to be inexpensive, but most of the time you end up paying a lot more than you think due to connection fees, hang-up fees, daily or monthly charges, and/or ridiculous rounding fees, meaning cards that will round your call up by three minutes or more, often doubling your total call time.
The newscasters and Consumer Reports recommend making sure to closely read the terms and conditions of the calling cards, but as they also point out, this can be difficult to do when the cards are sold behind the counter like they are at many convenience stores. Also, the terms and conditions of calling cards have been found to use tricky and deceptive language to try to disguise their fees and make it difficult for people to understand.
Luckily for all you international callers out there, there is a service out there where you can avoid all of this AND get better rates and clearer calls. This service, of course, is StanaCard. While Consumer Reports mentioned that Skype is a great way to make international calls, they failed to mention that Skype is generally close to 50% more expensive per minute than StanaCard. Pingo, which is also mentioned, is also more expensive on average and they do not use the local SmartDial technology that StanaCard does, meaning you have to dial the long international number every time you want to make a call!
So if you or any of your friends or family needs to make calls abroad, make the right decision and go with StanaCard. Not only do we have extremely low rates and great connection, but we also give $10 to any customer who refers someone, and we also give $10 to the person who they refer! To check out the video, see below.