Friday, August 26, 2011

Call Nigeria Mobile for only 7.9c per minute!

FIFA released new rankings yesterday and that brings good news to Nigerians.  For August 2011 Nigeria is ranked number 38 in the men’s division, bringing them up 5 points.  That puts them at number 4 among other African counties, below Ghana and above Burkina Faso.

Nigeria has made 4 FIFA World Cup™ appearances, 1994, 1998, 2002, and 2010.  They are hoping to make this their first consecutive appearance this year.

The Nigerian woman’s division is currently number 1 in their country and ranked number 27 in the world.  They are also fighting to make this year their first consecutive appearance at the FIFA world cup.

Nigeria only houses 52 official clubs, but has over 6 million players.  That puts Nigeria among the top countries in the world for football players.

Congratulations to both teams! StanaCard would love to help celebrate so we have dropped our rates to Nigeria mobile phones to 7.9 cents per minute.  So take advantage and call your friends and family to talk about your favorite Premier League or how well the national team is doing.

Planning on taking a trip to the next FIFA games?  Well take StanaCard with you and never worry about roaming charges, by using our international forwarding services.