You are not allowed to open more than one account with StanaCard. There is no need to. You can register up to 20 numbers on one account and as many smartdials as your little heart desires.
2. Add a number that does not belong to you/Transfer numbers
We do not permit our customers to add numbers that do not belong to them. This means that you are not allowed to add your mother’s cell phone, your dad’s home phone, your office number, your child’s cellphone, your wife’s cell phone or any other numbers that are not yours. We do not allow this for a very good reason. Let’s just say that you added your wife’s number to your account. Well now you have discovered that you can get a bonus by referring people. So you tell your wife to open an account so you can each get a bonus. Well I am sorry to say, we cannot transfer numbers to different accounts. Even if you delete the number from your account, your wife will not be able to add it. So please do yourself a favor. Let your family members open their own account. Let them get the bonus. It’s a win win.
You are not permitted to have more than one account. You can add as many registered numbers as you like so there is no reason for it. We also can not transfer numbers to different accounts, even if the number belongs to you. You will have to continue using the number on the account that it is on.
3. Use a credit card that does not belong to you
Guys if you do not have a credit card with your name on it then you are not permitted to use the service. We do this for everyone’s protection. Let me give you an example I received today from one of our customers that contacted support:
Customer: “I let my friend use my credit card and now they are charging it every time they need more credit. I need help to delete this information. Also my account was closed because I tried to use the same credit card. This is the only credit card I have. Help!”
Support: Sorry we do not allow our customers to use a credit card that does not belong to them for this exact reason. We cannot delete credit card information once it’s used on an account. I can reopen your account and you can use another credit card once you obtain one. Please let me know what you would like to do. Support
We do not want people to have the ability to steal someone else’s card or use it without their permission on their account so we store the information and close the account that tries to use a card that is already on another account. Again this is a security measure for you guys and for us.
4. Not keeping an active email address on the account
Guys this is very important. Some people do not know that you can change your email address on the account. Well you can, and it’s easy. Just log into your account click account setup and change your email address. You need to have a current email address so when we send you updates and emails about promotions you can receive them in a timely matter. It’s also important because your activity statements and credit statements get sent to the email address on your account, so if it’s outdated you won’t get them.
5. Using a common password
This happens a lot believe it or not. We have customers that use really common and easy passwords. Try to steer clear of passwords that contain your name or the word password in them or our name for that matter. You need to also not include the same email name for example having, then using the password Autumn or Tonight. Try to make it as complicated as possible. Include numbers, letters and symbols. Our security system usually blocks accounts that have common passwords. So you will have a difficult time getting into your account. So let’s avoid this and try to make your password a good one, ok?
6. Numerous recharge attempts
I only put this here for you guys because a lot of you do not understand what happens when a credit card is declined and you then try to charge it again. Credit cards can decline for all sorts of reasons. Let’s say you try to charge your account and it was declined and then you try again and again. When this happens you bank holds the amount you are charging and it shows up as pending. This money is not taken out of your account the bank just holds it until it finds out that the charge was declined. Again, we have not taken any money from your account So if you have only 20$ in your account and you try to charge your card several times for 5$ then your bank will charge you an overdraft fee. It’s not good. We as a company do not take the money from your account, your bank holds the money on their end. So if you find that your card is declined, please contact support right away so we can help you figure it out and point you in the right direction.
7. Not communicating with support
Guys we are here to help, so please do not hesitate to contact us. Whether it’s the calling quality, a question about how things work or even if it’s just to say how much you like us, we will always be here.
So Happy Calling
The StanaCard Support Team