According to the HBSC expat survey, two thirds (66%) of expats report that since moving away from their country of origin, they have achieved more disposable income.
This holds true because they know that their talents and strengths are almost always just as, if not more marketable elsewhere. One hundred percent of expats in Bahrain agree that they have more disposable income than they did previously. The numbers are also extremely high in Bermuda (96%) and Qatar and Saudi Arabia (92%)
In addition to spreading their talents in other countries for a higher salary, it is often the case that the cost of living is cheaper too, resulting in more disposable income. Those who relocate for a specific job are often given free housing, as well. Twenty percent of expats have reported that they are able to pay off more debt than when they lived in their original country.
Not all expats are in the financial or business sector. Many college students go abroad to teach post-grad. There are huge hubs of them in South Korea and Japan. It’s a great way to live for cheap and earn a lot of money to save up for the next move or to pay off student loans, especially since finding a job in the United States is looking more and more bleak.
Whether looking for more financial stability, a way to pay off debt, or just a way to experience a new culture, expats seem to be quite happy with their decision.
If you’re an expat, speak up! Tell us about your experience.