This video is an oldie, but a goodie. A lot of people use Twitter for networking and getting bits of news on the fly, but some use it for other things – things that don’t really matter.
The bird flying by in the Twittersphere, saying that people are talking to “No one… and everyone!” is absolutely correct. So how do you navigate this giant source? It’s a source of information, a source of bragging, a source of nothing and everything at the same time. There are those who are out there on Twitter just to “collect” followers. There are people who just tweet so their friends know where they are. I have a neighbor who created a Twitter for me to follow to make sure she is alive at any given moment.
But some of us really are looking to connect with likeminded people or use the service to market a company or a product. Hash-tags have been a savior in that domain, and the search option helps weed out the trash. The trending topics every day are sometimes helpful to get more visibility, but at the end of the day… you have to market yourself meaningfully. It’s really difficult, but some succeed. Just beware…
Or you will be banned to the bowels of the Twitterverse, where only Justin Bieber fans and the Fail Whale exist.
Sara Grossman- @stanacardsara