Who got fat? Who got pregnant? Who got married and then pregnant? Who is still living with their parents? Who’s parents handed them a flip flop business? These are questions that usually circle the drain before a high school reunion if you plan on going.
HOWEVER: I think that Facebook has made high school reunions obsolete. At least, the 5-10 year ones. Who needs to trek all the way back to their hometown to answer these questions when a few point-and-clicks away are the answers? Internet stalking is the new high school reunion. That’s the good thing about Facebook, though. You can connect with people you haven’t seen in years, or (depending on privacy settings) just gaze at them from afar. Our high school reunion began in 2004, when we all got Facebook… the year after graduating high school!
There is one exception: the older generations. My mother, for instance, had me scan and upload 20ish pictures from her “glory days” a week before her high school reunion. My guess is that it was to get attention so she could solidify her popularity status pre-reunion. Smart move, little lady. From the high school reunion photos (which are also on Facebook), I can tell it worked.
How about you, readers? Have you gone/do you plan on going to your reunions?