Want to call and chat about football or just catch-up with a friend in Iran? Now you can easily and very inexpensively as we have decided to DECREASE our rates to Iran! The new rates have decreased as much as 24%, and many of them are now well over 30% cheaper than Skype and other companies!
The savings with our new rates are outrageous. If there’s ever a perfect time to tell friends about StanaCard and our ridiculously low rates, now would be it.
A $5 credit will now let you call Iran for up to 40 minutes! That is about 33% cheaper than Skype, and unlike Skype and most calling cards, we charge absolutely no connection fees. You pay only for what you use.
What’s even better than cheap minutes? Free minutes! Simply refer us to friends, their first purchase is doubled and you get an up to $10 worth of bonus credit as soon as they make their first call with us. For more information, check out our referral page.
Traveling abroad soon? See how to avoid all roaming charges no matter where you go.